Anxious about the new typologies of MCQs introduced for Term 1 board exams?
This app is the perfect way to practice writing CBSE board exam papers. Get the largest pool of MCQs for Term 1 & 2 board exams, curated to reflect the “Special Assessment Scheme”. This pool of questions is regularly updated to include additional questions for your practice.
You get instant analysis of your performance with LIVE scores & detailed solutions. Also, get a fresh Daily Practice Paper (DPP) live on your dashboard everyday! We bet you this is the closest you could get to your actual board exams.
Attempt multiple papers to gain confidence, speed and accuracy. Master all the new Typologies of MCQs like Case Based, Assertion-Reason and Stand-Alone.
Oswaal Books is India’s no. 1 publisher of educational books. The brand is trusted by lakhs of Indian students to simplify learning. For more than 35 years, we have been catering to students of all the leading boards in the country.